Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Presidents Don't Get a Day Off

            Growing up as kids we always enjoyed those three day weekends we’d get for special occasions like Martin Luther King Day or Good Friday, but as we grow older and move on with our education some of those holidays get bypassed.  Same for the President.
Honoring our state, nation and school by
raising out flags high.
            As the country enjoyed it’s national holiday with a day off, relaxing from the stresses off work, our nations leader was on the grind, passing bills and talking to legislators.  Many would think since it’s President’s’ Day the President should have the day off.  To many students here at Avila they think the same thing.  “The President doesn’t do anything on President’s Day because it a holiday meant to celebrate him, since he is a President,” Caleb Wells said.
1st grader Kolby explains what he would
do if he were President.
Photo taken by Emily Ryan
             Others say differently, according to Phil Gallagher in my interview with him, he said, “The President is never off work; he’s out there changing the world.”  And he is right, just because it is a national holiday celebrated for Presidents doesn’t mean President Obama gets a day off to run errands.  He might visit Mount Vernon where George Washington lived to honor him, but he still comes to work and conducts his business as usual.
            To some students they think the President doesn’t do anything, even if it is a national holiday.  When asked what she thought the President does on President’s Day, Emily Ryan answered, “Honestly nothing, I think he is a great delegator and a representative to out country, but being a president is all delegating.  His cabinet is full of people he pawns his work off to.”
             With many opinions out there about our President, there is still one solid answer.  Whatever day it might be, he is still in his office or around the world trying to make our country a safe, and enjoyable place to live.

My interview with Phil Gallagher

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