Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Start of a New Tradition (Athletic Band)

When you think of a football or basketball games you think of the players, the fans, and most importantly the game, but what some people don’t think of is the music.  The band is a big part of the game. Playing during time outs, half time, and before the game to keep the crowd interesting in what’s happening. Without a band the fans miss out on the whole experience of the game.  That’s why about 2 years ago Avila decided to start the Athletic Bands program designed to let students who have at least a middle school or beyond ability to join.   
            Second year Athletic Band Director Patrick McCarty would love a big pep band at Avila, but for now he’s being patient.  “It’s a new program, and we’re trying to get the word out to new students and upper classmen who haven’t heard about the program.” McCarty said.  Being a new program at a small school can be a tough.  With a small population of students it’s hard to find players who actually have the requirements to be apart of the group.
All members of Avila's Athletic Band program.
Photo taken by Patrick McCarty
            Like sports, many would think being in a program that plays at most of the home games for football and basketball, plus practice would take up a lot of time and be hard for the students to keep up with their schooling.  Not for McCarty’s kids. “This program, being new, doesn’t really take up that much time.” McCarty said. “I’m still working on my masters and I know how difficult it is when managing school and extracurricular activities, so I respect their time.” 
            Starting a new program can be hard, especially when you’re at a small school, but getting the word out and finding members who actually enjoy what they’re putting their time into can be very rewarding.  “I enjoy my time with the kids, and I’m pretty sure they feel the same,” said McCarty. 

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